
Some Pre-Intubation Pictures I Never Got Around To Posting

I need some cuteness. These are some pictures of Hazel the week before she got sick that I never had the chance to post. Now that Jamie and Hazel are napping together in the crib, I have a moment to myself. I do love seeing my little family together, safe and sound. I'm so anxious to get back to our little life and our little house (hopefully today...we have our fingers crossed).

Jamie and Hazel in the tub.

Home with a fever, sleeping and playing with mama.

Play date with Nathan and Jillian, the day before Hazel got sic. This was the last day that we went out and had any fun! It was ages ago! I know it doesn't look like Nathan is having very much fun here, but he was.

Apple Bottom Jeans

My guitar hero.

These pictures are from Hazel's first time swimming!  She didn't really do well with the ocean this summer, because she was so little and the waves were so big and it was so friggin cold.  The pool at our local YMCA though is perfect and she took to it like the pices she is.  I got these pictures and 16 second video in before the staff came and told me to shut it all off.  I guess they don't allow cameras in the pool area which is great to keep the perverts away, but is too bad for us because Hazel looks so adorable in her little swim diaper and chunky thighs....


  1. i am so glad she is doing better. and she looks so cute in all the pics.

  2. I am thrilled to hear that your little one is doing so well so quickly... This blog website has become a part of my everyday internet search!!! And also your friend Leanne who I am also friends with. She has stolen my heart and I could just imagion hundreds of others. I do hope to hear more good news through-out her life..

  3. I am thrilled to hear that your little one is doing so well so quickly... This blog website has become a part of my everyday internet search!!! And also your friend Leanne who I am also friends with. She has stolen my heart and I could just imagion hundreds of others. I do hope to hear more good news through-out her life..

  4. LOVE the bath with daddy pictures! So glad that she is doing better, and they are talking about letting her go HOME!!! love you all.

  5. As the mother who sat vigil 25 years ago over another little person at MGH, my heart goes out to you. I am so happy that Hazel is doing so well and that your life will go on filled with happy days ahead. My little one also had the happy ending. Unless you have been the parent of a small child living 24/7 camping out in your child's hospital room you just have no idea. 25 years later the hair still stands up on my arms when I hear an ambulance or drive by MGH. It is an experience you would wish for no one but it is an experience that will always make you ever so aware of just how delicate and precious life is and will magnify the love you have for your children 1000 fold. We are all blessed to have the medical facilities in Boston that we do. The doctors, nurses and everyone in between that work day after day treating the very sick deserve a huge round of applause for the work they so graciously and tirelessley do. Enjoy your holiday....It is wonderful news that your little Hazel is soon to be home and on the mend.

  6. She's so beautiful! Thinking of your family!!

  7. You all look so amazing in this pictures.I am so glad you all are home, safe and healthy. Now lets get together to drink wine and eat some food!


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