
To Prove That Hazel Is Also My Daughter

Hazel's mama in 1976


  1. I have always thought she looked like you. This picture proves she really is yours. You were a very cute baby.

  2. The looks and probably half of the strenght in her soul!

  3. wow-amazing! I'll have to dig out some photos of me and Steve to see if I can find any comparison. No one can decide who she looks like.

  4. Ví el caso de su bebe hace tiempo, me sentí muy triste...y aunque no sé mucho inglés, quería decirles que me da mucho gusto que la bebe hay salido bien y ya esten juntos de nuevo.

  5. I am sorry, I am being nosy here, but i think this is well worth to translate. I don't think I know BR but I am hoping she/he wont mind. It reads:
    I saw your baby's case some time ago, and felt really sad... and even though i don't know a lot of English, I wanted to tell you how happy it makes me to learn that she made it through and that you're now together again.


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