

On Friday, I met my Internet mom-friend for a walk and beach day. I met her when she joined the online message board for February 2008 moms back when we were both pregnant. She lives a few towns south of me, so we met in the middle. She came to the mothers group at the hospital after her daughter Maia was born, too but this was the first time that the girls got to spend any quality time together to get aquainted, and they hit it off! Maia is two weeks younger than Hazel, but I don't think that the age difference bothers them.
And, yes I am aware that Hazel is wearing the same outfit two days in a row. She also slept in it. Jamie was out of town, and I did what I needed to do to get by. If she doesnt spit up all over herself, then guess what? The outfit has a second life!

1 comment:

AlePancha said...

This must've been fun!
Love sunny days spent with friends at the beach!